So excited for today!! I am launching my new website, which is also mobile-friendly! I’ve been working on it over the last few weeks, and I am super happy with it :):)
Of course, this morning I didn’t have a mini-panic-attack after doing all this complicated FTP stuff while being talked through it by a guy from my website hosting company, and then when I got off the phone, I realized that…my blog was looking a whole lot like my new website! I had updated the wrong domain. ohhhhhh my. freak-out-attack. I pressed redial, like I was dialing 9-1-1. Every hold minute felt like an hour. And 27 hours later….
It’s all good. YAY. You came to my blog, which looked like my new updated blog. And my website is now my new website, and on a phone too. There’s a couple small things that I’m emailing my website company that I changed but aren’t showing the change on the website…like the background color when loading is still my old color, certain pages not working on the mobile version, and a word missing where it isn’t on my preview of the website. But hopefully, those should be changed by tomorrow :) So if you haven’t yet, you should definitely go check out my new website. And after that, this photoshoot below with some of my favorite photos ever...
This is my amazing friend Kelly. She was one of the ones I spent three months in Guatemala with. She’s the one I would eat cereal with all day if I could, because we both love it so much. When I visited Canada at Christmas to see my family, we also hung out, and she modeled for me. She brought her prom dress (her own idea), and I was so grateful for her complete willingness to be a lil cold in the snow…
another favorite.
To check out the photos of her other outfit which definitely involved a sweater, click here.
Feel free to leave a comment on what you think about the new website! :)
<3 <3 <3 <3