February 7, 2013

Weekly Pregnancy Bump Photos: Weeks 32-36 <3

Today marks officially 37 weeks. Baby Tree, you are officially FULL-TERM. Three weeks until the due date (Feb 28th, 2013), but we could meet you anytime now, or not for up to another 5 weeks!

Updates since the last bump post: January was an exciting month! Feeling her hiccups for the first time, and now everyday a few times a day. They are so stinkin’ cute! Her kicks & squirms are definitely getting stronger. I still have to eat every 2-3 hours, and am looking forward to one day not having to. We had an ultrasound at 36 weeks, everything’s looking fine. Estimated weight from that: 6 pounds 4 ounces (I’m hoping it was an overestimate!). As of my last doctors appointment a couple days ago, I am not yet dilated at all, but she’s head down which is definitely good. We also got our maternity photos taken a couple weeks ago, and some of my favorites are below at the bottom of this post!  :):)

The last 4 photos are the new ones. Hubby finally got to be in a weekly bump photo too!  <3

Now, for our maternity photos from the AMAZING Esther Louise Photography. (<– ‘like’ her facebook page to follow her incredible work!). Some are film, some digital.

Her blog post with the photos: http://www.estherlouise.com/lovely-lavender-st-petersburg-maternity-portraits/

Hair & makeup (done much earlier that day) done by Carolyn Jones Makeup.

And then these were some of my personal faves…

<3 <3 <3 <3