November 25, 2014

Personal: Asheville Vacation, Family Photos.

Breaking it up with a personal post of vacation pictures from our trip to Asheville, North Carolina a couple weeks ago  :)  It came at the perfect time, a week to just relax and have some family time in the midst of a busy couple months!!

So now you get more of a chance to learn & see the photographer who is normally behind the camera!! And you get to see my belly bump at 6 months with Baby Tree #2  :) Hubby took any of Baby Tree & I, after I set up the camera settings.

We had the perfect week of weather!! When we first arrived there was snow (Baby Tree’s first time seeing snow, at 20 months), and after a couple days it melted into warmer weather, perfect for family picnics!!! Warning….lots of smiley faces & exclamation marks to come  ;)

This was the driveway to our rented cottage…leaves everywhere, so amazing coming from South Florida!! :)

Lots of kisses happen since she’s not yet one to look at the camera & smile much, no matter how I try  ;)

Funniest story…David was throwing leaves up in the air and this one got stuck on her fuzzy hat…well she just stared at me through the camera like that, for at least 10 seconds, then proceeded to cry…it was seriously the funniest!! David and I can’t look at that picture without cracking up!

Loving all the fall colors :):)

And fires in the fireplace  :)

Post-bath reading :)

One of my absolute FAVORITES of my loves!!

Her face upon trying snow….adorable!!

Love that last one!

Stopping to see cows :)

And of course a visit to the Biltmore Estate…really wish we’d had even more time there!! This photo is another absolute FAVORITE of these two <3

How she smells flowers  :)

Love this one of us :):)

So proud of hubby for capturing this one below!! Perfect focus, exposure, framing…he’s learning!  ;)

A beautiful afternoon for a picnic off the BlueRidge Parkway!

Another fave…

Another lady who stopped to admire the scenery, we asked her to take a few family pics of all of us  :)

While in Asheville, I photographed a previous bride & groom of mine (you can see the photos blogged here), and Sebby is into photography so he got some of us (easier than our original tripod idea) as well that I love!!! Thank you Sebby! :)

Not completely in focus, but I love the face she’s making here while we’re kissing!

And more rare nowadays…photos of just the two of us! And maternity ones!  <3


The cottage we rented for our week-long vacay, we loved it!! Tripod pic in front the morning we left, before Baby Tree woke up :)

Will post more on my personal Facebook albums too :)

If you lasted through all those photos….thanks for checking them out! :):)


<3 <3 <3 <3