July 3, 2012

Florida Engagement Sneak Peek: Britnye & Philip

I am really excited for the full blog post of these images…Britnye & Philip were so amazing to work with!! Apparently camera-shy & never having modeled before…I had a hard time believing Britnye when she said that! Just wait til you see more photos of her gorgeousness, especially with the beautiful dress she wore at our first awesome location at the Jupiter Lighthouse  :)

I don’t think I’ve ever been so close to a peacock before (I was shooting with my 50mm), but I was just following this guy around. And there’s stories of them attacking people & cars before…thankfully I heard about these after the shoot!  ;)

I seriously can’t wait to post the full blog post! Lots of amazingness coming…

Hope everyone had a Happy Canada Day on July 1st, and has a great Fourth of July coming up tomorrow! I celebrate them both (Canadian girl here), though this year July 1st was so busy I kinda forgot for most of it, and we’re doing a 4th of July party. When you live in Florida, I guess that’s what happens when you’re surrounded by Americans!  :):)


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