Ayriel is one of my dearest friends. We met when I was 15 years old, my first time going to a Church youth group. I remember hearing her say that she was glad she wasn’t the only blonde anymore. Birthday parties, sleepovers, the worm (don’t ask), late-night chats, scrapbooks & friendship books, long-distance calls, tons of Christian concerts, inside jokes, Church Sundays, procrastinating together, crushes, roller-blading, being blondes together, 89, enduring high school, sharing secrets, living at your house for two weeks, being a bridesmaid in my wedding and seven years of never having gotten in a fight. Girl you were even there the first time I actually met David! I LOVE you dear friend! You bless me soooooooo much! :) You support my photography whole-heartedly & love me, have the best listening ear, and understand me so well because you’ve always been there for me. I pray that I’m able to be that back for you. I love you & your beautiful heart! <3
Ayriel laugh, I love it <3
Friends forever, mmmk? :)
<3 <3 <3 <3