March 6, 2012

Ayriel Sneak Peak + And the winner(s) are…

WHOA. Friends, I am totally blown away by your support in the giveaway! Seventy-four comment entries!! That’s more than when I did my big website launch five months ago! Thank you soooooo much. Sitting in my chair, beyond happy thanks to you. Seriously amazing. <3 <3

Currently, I’m working on figuring out some changes in Jillian Tree Photography. In the past couple weeks of WPPI & The Fix last friday night with Jasmine Star, I’ve felt very inspired & challenged in my business and focusing it. I feel all jumbled up inside, trying to figure it all out! So please just be patient with me  :)

One of the things I’ve been learning is to shoot what you like best, what makes you happiest, what’s your style. Still trying to figure that one out too  ;) But here’s something that’s helping me to define it…


LOVE this photo!! One of my best friends, Ayriel, and I did a photoshoot. This is her sneak peak photo, and I can’t wait to share the rest!  :):)

As for the winners. You might have noticed that I added an ‘s‘ at the end! Yes, I was so happy with the feedback that I wanted to make even more peoples’ day! So there’s still the one main winner, and then there’s an additional four people who won a $20 Starbucks gift card too!! YAY! If you are one of the winners, make sure you read all of the lines below to get your prize. Thanks to for picking the winners!

And a huge thank you to each of you who participated, it means a lot to me and I really hope you get the chance to win in a future giveaway!  :):)

Main winner, of the $75 Starbucks card & mugs:

Megan Sheehan – “My fave starbucks drink is Iced Coffee with hazelnut and soymilk ,,,, mmmmm”

Extra winners, of the $20 Starbucks card:

Emily – “Gorgeous photo, Jillian!! Love, love, love your blog…Caramel Macchiato para mi!”

Jaquelyn Aragon –  “These are just the most adorable mugs ever! My favorite drink is the Venti Chai Tea Latte with two shots of espresso and a pump of chocolate sauce!  :) Thanks so much!”

Ashlee Strickler – “Such a great giveaway! My fav is a black iced tea. :) ”

Chloe Austin – “EEP! How cute are those mugs!? Girl, you find the neatest things!!  :) I absolutely canNOT live without Starbucks’ Vanilla Bean Frapp OR their Marble Mocha Machiatto! <– I mean, come on! The abbreviation for the macciatto is MMM! Can’t get any better than that!  :) Shared your link on my personal & business pages. (Even though FB wouldn’t let me tag you in my business’ status. boo. I did comment with your page, though.)  ;) *crossing fingers!*”


If you are one of the winners, you must contact me back at: from the email you left in the comment box, to confirm the correct winners. Because I can’t see all peoples personal profile and confirm that they shared the contest on facebook, please just send me a picture taken of it to my email (Emily & Chloe I’ve seen yours so you don’t need to send me a picture). If you did not share…please do so now to qualify still as a winner, and send me a picture of what you shared. Say something along the lines of ‘I won a Starbucks gift card thanks to @Jillian Tree Photography…please check our her work & like her page!’ Make sure the @Jillian Tree Photography is tagged to my business page, you’ll have to type it out manually. If you have any questions or are confused, email me & I’ll totally help!! Can’t wait to hear from you guys and send you your cards!!  :)

Happy Tuesday!


<3 <3 <3 <3