March 2, 2012

Giveaway + Simply Bloom Workshop Sneak Peak.

I’m really excited to announce this giveaway!! It’s for a combination of reasons: a just-because giveaway (my hubby knows I’m a big fan of just-because presents & such to each other), kind of because a week ago it was my birthday so why not have a giveaway, and also because we reached 500 fans in under 5 months!

So, in the giveaway is….a $75 Starbucks gift card!!! I’m not a coffee person, but I do really enjoy their Vivanno strawberry smoothies  :)  Also on top of that…perfectly cute mugs to go with your coffee. I gave these away in my first giveaway when I launched my website, but I just can’t get enough of them, they’re just so stinkin’ cute! If by chance, you already have these, you’re welcome to choose another of their adorable mug designs off of BoldLoft. This giveaway is PERFECT for lots of date nights at Starbucks talking heart-to-heart, which is one of the things David & I really like to do. Or you can buy Starbucks coffee, make it at home, drink from the mugs & snuggle. If you have a fireplace in your house, bonus points to you & I’m quite jealous  :)

To enter:

1. ‘Like’ or have already liked my facebook business page.

2. Share on Facebook: Copy & paste this status, make sure the @Jillian Tree Photography is tagged. “Check out @Jillian Tree Photography’s Just-Because Giveaway!! Perfect for lots of date nights  :)”

3. Comment below, NOT in the facebook comment section, those won’t count! In the comment, let me know what your favorite Starbucks drink is  :)

That’s all! I’ll check if you’re the winner that all actions were completed. This contest ends Monday night at 11:59 EST. Winner will be determined by & announced on the Tuesday blog post  :)

And because all blog posts are better with a picture…here’s a sneak peak of one of my favorites from the Simply Bloom Photography Workshop I did while in Las Vegas for WPPI:


You could say that Brandon & Jessica are gorgeous, and made stunning models!! On top of that, they’re also amazing photographers! I can’t wait to share the rest of the photos from the workshop  :)

Best of luck in the Giveaway!!


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