January 27, 2012

More guests this weekend :)

Since Christmas, we’ve had lots of guests. It seems like january is the month for people to visit Florida! I absolutely LOVE having guests over, especially guests that I otherwise don’t get to see often…like friends from Canada! Just a few days after getting back from our two-week vacation in Canada, my dear friend Kelly spontaneously came & stayed with us for over half a week; then a couple days later my friends Kristine & Clayton came out here for a week for their 2-year anniversary. It was so good seeing them as it had been around two and a half years since we’d seen them! A few hours after they left, my photog friends the Churchill’s from two hours north dropped off their 9-month old adorable Eva for us to babysit while they shot a wedding, and we got to hang out with them for a bit the next day as well. Here’s an instagram photo of Eva & I hanging out  <3

Adorable, isn’t she?  :)

Now, tomorrow my friend Kendra & her two daughters are coming to stay with us for the weekend. Her hubby Ben is the director at one of my favorite places in the world, camp. He’s on a missions-trip in Belize, so Kendra’s visiting her parents in Florida, and coming to see us as well! We got to hang out with them over Christmas on our trip out to camp…

Kaylia is so cute! She’s always been so shy around me, but she was just going on & on about Rapunzel, Maximus and the tower. But the way she says the names is sooooooooo cute!! It’s almost with a French accent, or something. David & I were eating lunch with her whole family, just chatting, when she just burst loudly into a 30-second speech, something to do with Rapunzel & Maximus, while we all just looked at her wide-eyed, not even being able to really understand what she was saying, but she was just happy to babble on about it as if we did.  :)


David reading with Anika, her older sister. SO ADORABLE  :)

Kendra writes an awesome blog, which you can check out here. I love reading about the updates of her family, but also how she is so real, and she challenges me spiritually with her writing, Bible-studying, honesty & struggles. I love her family, and can’t wait to see them tomorrow!!

Now, just off to clean the house from our last guests’ visit. Not gonna say how I spent most of the week procrastinating that & trying to catch up on everything photography-wise, from the last month of busyness. Cuz when you have guests visiting from Canada, of course they want to go to the beach, & of course you just gotta go with them, since you’re driving them there anyways!  ;)  Today though, I get to enjoy cleaning while listening to an awesome online photography-workshop from the amazing Zach & Jody on CreativeLive!! With lots of photog friends also watching I’m sure  :)


<3 <3 <3 <3