Yesterday, I was in Orlando for the Kristen Weaver Workshop. It was a long drive back home last night, getting back after midnight – but so worth it!! I mean, just look at just part of the styled shoot we did – GORGEOUS!!
I’ll share more about the workshop on the full blog post. For now, I have to go pack, as we head out to Ohio for a cousin’s wedding. I’m a packing procrastinator, and my hubby is so NOT (he’d be packed four days before atleast, if possible). So he just told me (in a mock stern voice) that I better be ready to leave at exactly 1:15, even if we don’t leave then. Like, ready-to-walk-out-the-door kinda ready. Cuz he knows that otherwise…well, just the other night when heading out to Orlando, I left like 45 minutes later than I had planned to, to get to the hotel. While I don’t mind the scurrying around at the last minute – I actually like it, for some twisted reason – he gets stressed. So, in trying to be a good wife…I’m going to go pack! Atleast I was able to get in a speak peak photo ;)
Pray for us for safe travels, please! Have a great weekend :)
<3 <3 <3 <3