This week has been weird. I’d been meaning to blog, and hadn’t. Wasn’t really sure what to blog about, and didn’t have any specific photos ready to blog. Then, I also spent all yesterday afternoon reading a book – it. was. glorious! I hadn’t allowed myself that luxury in the past month or so. You see, I’m really bad with books; I get into them waaaay too easily, and next thing you know…its been four hours and half the days gone. So, since I was trying to launch my website & facebook page, I kept myself back from reading books the past month so that I could finish all my work & launch! So yesterday afternoon was nice, getting to just get really into a book and read it! Okay, and finish it… ;)
This morning though, with a good friend of mine, we both watched ‘Soul Surfer’ for the first time. And def got a lil teary at some points…such an inspiring movie! But an even more amazing movie David & I watched this week in theaters was ‘Courageous.’ Gosh, my new favorite movie ever!! Even above Tangled, which now goes to second place ;) When I saw the trailer for it a month ago (click here to watch it) I was excited to see it as soon as it came out – but it even exceeded my expectations in how amazing it was! Please, please go see it! It was so encouraging, inspiring, heart-warming, convicting, real & authentic. David & I left the theater with an even newer zeal for how we wanted our marriage & family to be like. I learned so much from that movie – and I’m not even a father! Haha, not at all close! It’s not a movie just for fathers & husbands, but also for wives & mothers & children & marriages. Something (even before seeing this movie) I would talk to David about often is treasuring each moment we have together. Not just taking it for granted. Saying ‘I love you’ each time before the other leaves somewhere, even if its just to the grocery store down the street. Or sometimes (okay a bit more often than I’d like to do or admit) when I sleep in a bit and he goes off to work, we always share a kiss & those words before he leaves. It’s not something I do out of obligation, but that I love doing because I feel this way about treasuring our time together! And the way I would like our family to be like. Grateful for one another, encouraging one another, building one another up, challenging one another in our walks with God, showing love & loving one another :)
If you have a free night this week or weekend, please take a couple hours & go watch this amazing movie. Maybe you’ll cry 5 times like we did….but maybe you’ll also laugh the hardest you have in a while at a movie, like we did (there are some awesomely funny scenes!).
<3 <3 <3 <3