Soooo…the winner of the giveaway is…. Felicia Styers!!
I tried to copy & paste the official box from but couldn’t quite get it to work. Out of 27 comments, winner was #3, Felicia! I’ll be contacting you. Congrats! :)
Along with this post, is my good friend Janna. I had put up a sneak peak photo before, which you can click here to see. She may be one of the sweetest girls I’ve ever met! Seriously. Her personality & smile just light up a room. She is so genuine & loving. I really wish I could spend more time with this amazing woman of God…it’s too bad she lives in Canada!! So when I was up there visiting a couple months ago, we met up & took some fun, quick photos, and I love how they turned out! You can just see the joy she has. :)

Isn’t she beautiful?

See that smile? It makes ME smile when I see it! :)

Thank you everyone for all your support & love the past few days since the launch! I have felt overwhelmed so often…these past few days have been so wonderful! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! :):)
Have an amaaaaaazing weekend lovelies!
<3 <3 <3 <3