July 18, 2011

Favorite Places: Red Rock Bible Camp

The past twelve days I’ve been on vacation visiting my family in Winnipeg, Canada. It’s been so wonderful! Lots of family time & fun, which is just what I needed since I haven’t seen most of my family since my wedding over ten months ago!  :)  Also getting to visit some dear friends, as well as some of my favorite places. One of those favorite places is Red Rock Bible Camp, which is about an hour and a half from Winnipeg. It’s where my cousin Elizabeth convinced me to join her for a week of camp when I was just nine years old, & I became a Christian that week. Since then, I’ve gone every summer, and once I was old enough, became a counselor myself.  Three summers I counseled with my cousins Victoria & Elizabeth, and two springs I helped out in the kitchen. Some of the best times of my life have been there, and it will always be very, very special to me. Not only the wonderful people I met there, but every building brings up a good memory – especially the chapel. Oh, what cherished memories are there; close talks as a lil’ girl with counselors about growing in my faith…and then it switched, and became close talks with my own campers, helping them to grow, and even learning from them with their challenging questions. The chapel reminds me how much I’ve grown in my walk of faith since the very beginning, how many years I’ve prayed & worshipped & grown closer to the Lord there every summer. How can just walking into a building bring a smile & amazing memories to my head? It just can.  :)  It makes me want to go in there when no one else is, and just pray & worship & read my Bible for hours, which would seem like minutes. Or sit around with a close group of girls while worship music is playing, and talk about our walks with the Lord & pray for each other. Or just sit on the floor there while the worship team is practicing & praise the Lord. While it’s just a building, it means immensely much to me!

For one of the days we were in Canada, I brought my hubby David to Red Rock. He’d been there once before, two summers previous while we were still dating & he came up to Canada for two weeks. This time, we visited with friends at camp (cute, adorable kid photos to come!), and there was some stuff I wanted to do there as well – like take David boardsailing for the first time! We didn’t end up having time to boardsail the first day we visited…so of course we had to go back another day and get to hang out with friends & good memories even more!! He did pretty well for his first time boardsailing  :)  I don’t have any photos of that, because though I trust myself with being able to boardsail wearing normal clothes & not get wet (like I did)…I don’t trust myself with a camera while boardsailing!  ;)

We walked around camp a bit & I took some real quick photos..its sooo beautiful there, wish we had been able to stay for a sunset/sunrise – its stunning & so so peaceful..

I can’t believe this is the only photo I took of the lake, one of the most beautiful parts of camp!! Oh well, I’ll have to get more next time…

One of my friends Trevor (who works full-time at camp, whose wife Terra-Lee was my prayer partner/mentor for two years, and whose daughters I absolutely ADORE & one of them was a flower girl at my wedding, and his family is one of the one’s I got cute kid photos of to come!) asked me when we would be moving to camp..he even had this plan to buy an RV in New Orleans and drive all our stuff up from Florida to Canada and sell the RV in Canada! My response was ‘as soon as it works out!’  ;)  it would be like a dream come true..living so close to family & working at camp, what’s not amazing about that?  :):)


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