May 25, 2011

Jolie’s Baby Shower Sneak Peak

FILED IN: Sneak Peeks

(For those who read my previous post, roller-coaster riding with my hubby & friends was a blast!)

Not last friday, but the friday before was Jolie & JP’s baby shower for baby Eva, who was born in Jupiter Hospital on the 26th of April right before midnight (links are to sneak peaks). Because they waited to find out the gender till she was born, they had their baby shower after Eva came into this world  :)

Their lovely friend Robyn (you’ll see the cutest picture of her daughter Addyson further down!) hosted & decorated for the party, she did an amazing job. It was such a fun night…do you think they got lots of gifts?  ;)

See, isn’t Addyson so cute? Love the face she made!!  :)

I’ve also really enjoyed getting to know Jolie’s sister-in-law, Ruth, and her girls since the night at the hospital. This may be one of my favorite pictures ever! Ruth & Lily..

Can’t wait to put up the whole blog post with more pictures!!


XOXO  <3