May 12, 2011

Re-branding & a sense of humor.

Today, I have been focusing on two pretty big things:

1. Lots of prayer & talking time with my hubby David over a possible big change in our lives, that I hope to be able to share soon  :)

2. Yes, title of the post. Which actually reminds me of the funny youtube video ‘Title of the Song‘ – seriously, take a minute after reading this post to watch it. David cracked up so much – his sense of humor is so different than mine! I mean, it was a funny video, but not that funny. But his sense of humor is very much sarcasm – which at first I wasn’t used to (I didn’t really grow up around too many sarcastic people) but now I have definitely gotten used to it (going on 8 months of marriage will do that to ya ;)). Whereas my sense of humor? Don’t know quite how to describe it. Here’s an example: a month ago, we were at my in-laws house, and my father-in-law said we had to watch this episode of Supernatural. Now, David & I don’t watch much TV. I didn’t really know what the show was about till we watched part of it. Apparently its about fighting monsters, demons, stuff like that..? But this certain episode…is one of the most hilarious things, ever! The two main guys live in this supernatural world and are ‘sent’ to Earth and don’t know they’re actors of the Supernatural show. To them, it’s real life and not a show. They see themselves on magazine covers, are interviewed, they find out their real-life names are Jared and Jensen…and they’re just trying to figure out how to get back to their parallel universe! Anyways, the next day they have to ‘act’ for the show on the Supernatural set. It’s bad. No, horrible. Beyond hysterical. I swear, tears were running down my face. Whereas David’s whole family thought it was decently funny, I was so past cracking up; can’t stop the tears from pouring down my face, stomach hurting, no-way-to-stop, laughing.  As his family had never seen me at all like this, they were soon laughing at my reaction more than at the show. If you ever have half an hour, please watch this episode on hulu (even if you don’t know what the shows about, like me!). The part that started me cry-laughing was at around the 21 minute mark, but watch from the beginning cuz it’s still funny and gives a teeny bit of background. If you can then help me at all put to words my sense of humor, leave a comment, I’d really appreciate it!!  :)

And no, that stories not a tangent, that’s part of of the main idea of this blog post. Re-branding.

You see, for the past few months of having a blog, I’ve been wearing myself out, and slowly realizing it lately. Trying so hard to be like some of the most awesome, well-established, truly amaaaaaazing wedding photographers out there. Because I admire them, their personality, their work, and just think they’re incredible people! I mean, just check out some of my favorites like Jasmine Star, Katelyn James, Jamie Delaine, to name just a few of the dozen or more. And, they all love the Lord, which is even more awesome!

So, I’m not them. Def not as cool as them, and far far from having as stunning photography as them. But, I’m me. And I’ve come a long way so far just in the past few months of my photography. And I keep hearing over & over again on online workshops about making your business unique, making your brand your own, that you are what can make your business different from all the other photographers, that no one is like you (me, in this case). And so, I’m finally gonna put it into practice! Though I’m way less awesome than any of those ladies (and just thinking of hopefully meeting them at WPPI (a huge photographers convention) next year…like why would they want to talk with me? And I’d be so nervous, and wouldn’t really know what to say other than how much I love their work, stalk enjoy their blog, and know a lot about them through that. Nope, not a weird conversation-starter, at all!)

With that, I’ve been working on trying to figure out how to put who I am into my photography business. I took a paper and just wrote all over it things about me, things I like, etc. Boy, that sounds narcissist, doesn’t it? Haha. But I think it might help me to figure out this whole re-branding business. I’m not even sure it will, I’ve never done this before! But, with the fact that I’m going to be writing an even more personal bio page, I’m going to try it, & it seems to be helping so far  :)

So that has kept me busy this week. And I might blog a little less often during this process, because in the past blogging has taken me a long time, since I’ve been trying so hard to be like others. Hopefully once I get the whole re-branding done, it’ll be so much better, easier & involve more frequent blog posts! The timing is also great in that in a couple weeks I’m going to start working on building my website…and have a much clearer vision of what I want it to look like, hopefully :)

Now, because a post is always better with a picture…here is probably my favorite shot from a wedding I helped second shoot last weekend, of Tammy & Rory. Tammy is beyond stunning. And just wait till you see the rest of the wedding dress…that she designed & made herself!