Wow, last week was crazy busy! And because of that I failed to reach my weekly blogging goal of posting twice a week. On friday when I realized I wouldn’t be able to do my second post for the first time, I was somewhat disappointed/frustrated with myself. My wonderful hubby David said I was being too hard on myself. I just felt really behind!
It all started tuesday with a text…
From the Churchill’s, a couple that I help shoot weddings with. Over the past few months I have gotten to know them really well, and absolutely love being around them! We’ve gone on some double-dates together after weddings, and it’s been really fun getting to know another married couple! It’s too bad Jolie & John Paul (JP) live about an hour and a half north of us, or I’m sure we’d hang out even more. How I got to know them was finding their photography business on facebook (yes, good old fb) back in january/december, and writing them a lame message saying I’d love the opportunity to work with them. But God had it all planned out because Jolie was several months pregnant, due at the end of may, and so they were actually going to eventually be needing some help, and I was more than ready & happy to be that help! Several months and weddings later..last tuesday I get a text from JP tuesday early afternoon with many exclamation marks, saying that Jolie’s in labor (!!!!!!!!), and asking me to come to the hospital to take pictures before & after the birth, like of their first time holding the baby, opening family baby gifts, etc.
So that evening I drove up the hour and a half to the hospital, hoping the baby would be born within a few hours and not sometime around 4AM. These kind of things aren’t really predictable or on a schedule. The baby was a month and a day early, and they were waiting to find out if it was a boy or girl til he/she was born, as well as they weren’t sharing names till then…so lots of news to be had! Around 11 at night, the baby was breached, and Jolie had to go have a C-section. Baby Eva Nicole was born at 11:53pm, 6 pounds 7 ounces, 18 and three-quarter inches long! She took a big yummy gulp of amniotic fluid while coming out, and so was having some respiratory problems (as well as being a preemie), so she was kept in the nursery with only dad being able to visit her. At around 1:15 AM he brought out a picture of her so the family could see her.
Unfortunately, there was no way to capture the first moments with parents, or even a photo of lil Eva, so this girl headed home to her hubby, arriving there at 3AM. After a long drive to be home, who doesn’t love to be welcomed home by ‘can you turn the air down another few degrees?’ and rollover? Haha…laughing about it now, but I wasn’t then…
His perspective: Dead asleep. Heard the beep-beep-beep from opening the front door, but I didn’t come into our room right aways. He half-woke up, realized he had too much blankets on and was sweating a bit, so when I came in he asked me to turn the air down. Was really groggy from waking up from a deep sleep, and half-went back to trying to sleep. Somehow in sleep-state still noticed when I got into bed that I wasn’t happy. Body language says so much. As well as breathing heavily out. He’s pretty good at reading it, thankfully! ;)
My perspective: Drove an hour and half to be home with hubby, at 3AM. To not exactly a welcome-party. Or even a hello. I opened the front door, brought a couple trips of stuff in leaving the door a tiny bit ajar so there was no more beeping. Walked into our dark room, was asked to turn air down. Well, ‘Hi’ to you too. Brushed teeth, got into bed thinking I may as well have taken up the Churchill’s generous offer on staying at their house overnight and doing the drive in the morning. Yes, unhappy. Then come the words ‘are you alright?’ Silence. No. He comes over to me, waking up a little more. Asks me again…this time I answer out loud. We talk it out. I explain my incoherent 3AM really-tired-and-emotional thoughts..just drove an hour and half to be home with you..not even a hello or kiss..should’ve just stayed first experience of anything like this (I was in a curtained-off area of the room right before they took her off for the C-section, so got to hear lots of yelling asking for the pain/pressure to stuff!), I’m trying to process it & just supposed to go straight to don’t even know if its a boy or girl, or if she’s alright, you’re not curious at all? Tears may have appeared at some points. It was a pretty emotional night overall for me, okay?
He was sorry. I just really awoke him from a deep sleep and he had no idea it was even 3AM and was just not wanting to be sweaty and fall back asleep. Not at all unreasonable. In the morning if we’d have gotten up at the same time, we’d have had a little laugh about it. But for his job he gets up around 7:30am. With me falling asleep between 3:30 and 4am…that was a grand total of 4 hours sleep…so I slept in! One of my close friends, Ayriel, was in FL from out-of-state and tuesday morning (before the text) we’d planned for her to come over wednesday morning. When she texted me at 9am, I told her to wait another hour please before coming over. So we had a fun time catching up & hanging out wednesday, and while she had a sleepover it wasn’t the best one as I was still exhausted from the night before! The next day we picked up her sister & went for some beach time. All of us may or may not have been burnt a lot bit. While I had to say goodbye to her that afternoon, I am so looking forward to when she moves down to Florida in a few months!!
Thursday night we made a date night for David and I. Dressed up, went for some Chinese food. We had had barely time to talk or spend time together since…monday night! We finally got to have our laugh about 3AM, and I told him everything again about the hospital, in much much more detail. It was nice getting to catch up together over the past three days we’d been so busy. :)
By friday I was feeling quite behind on my computer/editing/blogging. I had hardly been on my computer since tuesday afternoon. David stayed home for an appointment in the morning, so I got a tiny bit of catching up done, then in the afternoon we hung out and I got ready to help at a wedding that night, an hour north. Of course I drove the extra half hour north after the wedding to go meet Eva as they’d just been discharged from the hospital that afternoon. She’s adorable! I got some cute pictures of her to come sometime soon as well. For now, here’s a sneak peak of one of the hospital photos before lil Eva was born…opening family baby gifts :
I’m not sure if that sounded like a busy week to you…but it was to me! And I am still trying to catch up on everything, still behind. Atleast David helped me with some laundry yesterday…it was getting just a tad ridiculous, the size of the pile!! Now to somehow catch up on all the computer stuff, do some major cleaning in our house (its needed), plan & cook dinner, and mostly catch up on computer stuff, all before David comes home from work. I’m on a mission! Wish me luck.
PS: Marriage is awesome!! :):)
xoxo <3