My friend Kendra writes this awesome personal blog. I know her from when I worked at Bible camp, and her kids are so much fun to hang out with. She writes about her family, life, and challenging stuff. And I LOVE it! I love reading her blog. I think (no lie) I have read every single post on her blog. And learned with her, grown with her, and tried to challenge myself with some of the honest stuff she’s written. So I thought I’d share one of my favorite blogs, Kendra’s blog, especially since I love the last challenging post she just put up about sharing our stories :)
Now, I’d like you guys to meet my new friend Amber. As some of you may have seen from last week’s sneak peak, I did a portrait session with Amber. She travels the world on a boat with her hubby…so cool! The only not cool part is not seeing family often…other than that, it’s a pretty awesome life :) She’s been getting into photography & wanted some professional pictures done for her bio on her website. So we met at a Starbucks, had some good photography & getting-to-know-each-other chats, and headed off to the park! This photo was possibly my fave, and was the sneak peak photo..
Looove her eyes! Beautiful :)
We found these crazy pretty flowers that neither of us had ever seen before…of course, had to get some photos with them! :)
From color to black&white…still so gorgeous!
The fierce look, for her loved one…
And I love how her whole face lights up with her smile!!! :)
Amber, it was great getting to know you & I can’t wait to hang out again on your next stop in Florida in the fall! Safe travels!