April 5, 2011

Our Billy’s & a sneak peak

I call him affectionately ‘Billy.’ It’s his real name, I just like saying it in an affectionate manner. David (my husband) and I liked him so much, we decided to try for three more! All at once! We’re crazy, I know. But we were so impressed with Billy, how could we resist having more? So I’d like to introduce you to our Billy..

He’s awesome, right? What do you mean, how do I know he’s not a female? His name, of course. All Billy’s are boys. So are our new Billy’s! Check them out…

Pretty snazzy Billy’s, right? They’re even taller (we got them extensions).

And just to prove to you it’s his real name…Ikea named him for us, okay?

And no, once we had our cart and were on the mission to find our Billy in the warehouse area, I was not striding down the aisle looking for the box numbers, saying “here’s our piece of Billy!” affectionately. To all twelve boxes. All. Twelve. David just laughed & let me embarrass myself (in this hypothetical, made-up situation, obviously).

Now the process of putting together our Billy. Thanks for the drawing instructions, Ikea! But we actually managed to put our Billy’s together in a completely calm manner as a couple, though it took a few nights. Here are some quick pictures I snapped of the last part of the process with a point-and-shoot…too busy helping to grab the real camera  :)

Can you tell how excited David is about making Billy? This was the (hardest) attaching-to-the-wall part  :)

Good thing we had a good...oh, four inches to fit his hand to screw the attachments into the wall…

Last piece!

And in it goes! Yayy for our brand new Billy’s! We really like them. Feel free to join us in celebrating how awesome Billy’s are, by getting one yourself. It’s the Billy you never knew you needed  :)

Now, onto much more exciting news than even Billy. Last night I got to know & did a photoshoot with this awesome girl who lives life traveling on a boat (more about that later)…here is a sneak peek of beautiful Amber!

More to come soon. Happy Tuesday!  :)